Dog Boots and Dog Socks

Dog's feet are generally pretty hard-wearing and can withstand most of what nature throws at them, but sometimes they need a little help. Whether you want to prevent foot injury in your dog in the first place, or help them to recover from one that they have already suffered, dog boots, dog shoes, and socks can be an excellent solution.

Products: 17 of 7
SKU Product name   Price    
TRWAPDB112 Trixie Walker Active Protective Long Dog Boots
  • £21.95
  • 3   — Reward points
  • including VAT
TRWCCPB11 Trixie Walker Care Comfort Protective Dog Boots
  • Tested by Daisy!
  • £6.45
  • 3   — Reward points
  • including VAT
TRWAPDB11 Trixie Walker Active Protective Dog Boots
  • Tested by Daisy!
  • £15.95
  • 3   — Reward points
  • including VAT
TRASRCDS11 Trixie Anti-Slip Rubber Coated Dog Socks
  • £7.95
  • 3   — Reward points
  • including VAT
MPVPVDBB11 MediPaw Soft Bandage Protective Veterinary Dog Boots
  • £23.95
  • 10   — Reward points
  • including VAT
MPVSPVDB11 MediPaw Healing Slim Protective Veterinary Dog Boots
  • £29.95
  • 10   — Reward points
  • including VAT
MPVEVPDB11 MediPaw Rugged X-Boot Protective Veterinary Dog Boots
  • Tested by Daisy!
  • £25.95
  • 10   — Reward points
  • including VAT

Dog Boots and Dog Socks To Protect Your Dog’s Feet

If you’re searching for dog boots or dog socks then your dog will either:

  • Require protection for their feet or lower leg due to a medical condition or injury
  • Need boots to help them grip or protect the feet on cold, hot or unstable terrain.

We supply dog boots for any circumstances and we’re the only UK supplier of the highly regarded VetGood Protective Veterinary Dog Boots recommended by vets.

Waterproof Dog Boots for Medical Recovery

Waterproof, protective veterinary dog boots are a must for pets recovering from:

  • Broken bones
  • Wounds or injuries
  • Veterinary procedures

Our protective dog boots are designed specifically for wounds and injuries, keeping them clean and dry to ensure that they heal properly. The boots have an upper drawstring to help keep them watertight and adjustable Velcro straps that will fit over bandages or splints if necessary. As well as being fully adjustable, they are made in a range of sizes from extra small to extra large, to ensure that you have a really good fit.

Protective Dog boots

Dog's feet are generally pretty hard-wearing and can withstand most of what nature throws at them, but sometimes they need a little help.

Our dog boots, shoes, and dog socks can be used in most situations. It may be that your elderly or infirm dog is unsteady on slippery floors and requires more grip. You may live somewhere very hot or be experiencing a heatwave and wish to take your dog out without burning their paws on hot surfaces. Or you may have a dog with long fur that seems to get huge “snowballs” building up in between the pads on their paws in the snow.

Some of our customer simply live in cities and wish to protect their dog’s feet from the possibility of broken glass, and although it is unclear how dogs catch the awful disease Alabama Rot, some are hoping that boots can help to protect their dog’s feet by reducing ground contact when walking in muddy, wooded areas (there’s no evidence to support this but it is a consideration).

Whatever you need dog’s boots for, we would be happy to advise on the options we have available.

You may also find our Dog Ramps useful for pets recovering from injuries. Click here to browse.