Category Archives: Dog Treat Recipes

Pumpkin Power

Why Your Dog Needs This Superfood

Pumpkin isn’t just a festive decoration for Halloween—it’s also a fantastic, natural supplement for your dog’s diet. Rich in nutrients and low in calories, pumpkin offers multiple health benefits, especially for dogs with delicate tummies. While tinned pumpkin may not be as readily available in the UK, fresh pumpkins are abundant this time of year. Preparing and pulping them can be a cost-effective way to ensure your furry friend enjoys the benefits of this superfood all year round.

Aids Digestion

Pumpkin is a great source of fibre, which is excellent for your dog’s digestive system. If your dog is suffering from loose stools or constipation, a small amount of pumpkin can help regulate their digestion. The fibre absorbs water, helping to firm up stools and adding bulk to make bowel movements easier for constipated dogs. Just a tablespoon

or two, depending on your dog’s size, can help balance their digestive tract naturally.

For dogs with sensitive stomachs or delicate tummies, pumpkin is gentle and soothing. If your pet is experiencing mild diarrhoea, adding a bit of pumpkin to their food can provide some relief without the need for harsh medications.

Rich in Nutrients

Pumpkin is packed with essential vitamins and minerals, including Vitamin A, Vitamin C, potassium, and iron. Vitamin A is crucial for maintaining eye health, while Vitamin C boosts the immune system, helping your dog to fight off illnesses. Potassium aids in muscle function and recovery, making it particularly beneficial for active or working dogs. Iron is essential for healthy red blood cells, ensuring your dog’s body is properly oxygenated.

Low in Calories, Great for Weight Management

If you’re looking to help your dog shed a few pounds, pumpkin can be a helpful addition to their diet. It’s low in calories but high in fibre, which means it can help your dog feel fuller for longer. You can replace a small portion of your dog’s regular food with pumpkin to reduce their calorie intake without leaving them feeling hungry.

Natural Source of Antioxidants

Pumpkin contains beta-carotene, which is a powerful antioxidant. Antioxidants can help neutralise harmful free radicals in your dog’s body, reducing the risk of chronic diseases and supporting overall health.

Preparing Fresh Pumpkin for Your Dog

Prepare your Pumpkin

In the UK, while tinned pumpkin may be hard to find, fresh pumpkins are in plentiful supply during autumn. Preparing pumpkin for your dog is simple. Start by cutting the pumpkin in half, removing the seeds and stringy parts, and then roasting or steaming the flesh until it’s soft. Once cooked, you can scoop out the flesh and blend it to create a smooth purée.*

Pumpkin purée can be added to your dog’s meals as a supplement or used to make homemade dog treats. Be sure to avoid adding any spices, sugars, or additives—plain pumpkin is best for dogs.

Freezing Pumpkin for Later Use

If you’ve prepared more pumpkin than your dog can eat, freezing is a great way to ensure you have a supply on hand. You can freeze the purée in small portions, such as ice cube trays, making it easy to defrost just the right amount whenever you need it. This way, your dog can enjoy the health benefits of pumpkin long after the autumn season is over.

A Word of Caution

While pumpkin is safe for most dogs, moderation is key. Too much fibre can lead to digestive upset, so start with a small amount and see how your dog responds. Additionally, make sure you’re using plain, unsweetened pumpkin. Canned pumpkin pie filling or products with added sugar, salt, or spices should be avoided.


Freeze Pumpkin for use all year round

Pumpkin is a nutrient-rich, low-calorie addition to your dog’s diet that can aid digestion, support immune health, and help with weight management. With fresh pumpkins being so readily available in the UK during autumn, it’s the perfect time to prepare and store this natural treat. A little bit of pumpkin can go a long way in keeping your dog happy, healthy, and satisfied all year round.

*Raw vs cooked pumpkin for dogs: Both forms have their benefits, but cooked pumpkin is generally more beneficial for dogs. Cooking pumpkin breaks down the fibres, making it easier for dogs to digest and absorb the nutrients. It also increases the water content, which helps with hydration.

Raw pumpkin can still be beneficial, but it might be harder to digest, and it may cause stomach upset for some dogs.

Toby’s Tum Tum Treats

Here’s a recipe for No-Bake Pumpkin & Peanut Butter Dog Treats with oats, honey, turmeric, and kefir:

Toby’s Tum Tum Treats


  • 1 cup (240g) pumpkin purée (unsweetened, plain)
  • 1/2 cup (130g) natural peanut butter (ensure it’s Xylitol-free)
  • 2 cups (160g) rolled oats
  • 2 tablespoons honey
  • 1/2 teaspoon turmeric (optional for added health benefits)
  • 1/4 cup (60ml) kefir


  1. Mix the wet ingredients: In a large bowl, combine the pumpkin purée, peanut butter, honey, and kefir. Mix until smooth.
  2. Add the dry ingredients: Gradually stir in the rolled oats and turmeric. The mixture should be thick and hold together well.
  3. Form the treats: Scoop out small amounts of the mixture (about 1 tablespoon each) and roll them into balls. You can flatten them slightly if you prefer.
  4. Chill: Place the treats on a lined baking sheet and refrigerate for at least 1 hour, or until they firm up.


Storage: Store the treats in an airtight container in the fridge for up to a week, or freeze for longer-lasting snacks.

These no-bake treats are easy to make, healthy, and packed with flavour your dog will love! 🎃


Embrace the Curfew

Five German Shepherds

Left to right: Fin, Amy, Sophie, Blitz and Molly

Out of Control

Back in 2002, we were the confused owners of five German Shepherds. Their behaviour was appalling and we were losing control. Every morning we would take them to the nearby army ranges for their morning walk. We found ourselves going earlier and earlier in the hope that we wouldn’t meet other dog walkers because if we did, it would turn into utter chaos.

We realised we needed to do something about the situation and we consulted dog behaviour expert, Angela Stockdale of The Dog Partnership. Her advice was ‘they need a curfew‘. We were even more confused if we didn’t take them out, how would they get the exercise they needed? They would become even worse, surely.

We decided to put our scepticism aside and follow her advice. For three months we didn’t take them out for walks. Their stress levels that had been escalating day on day during the walk, began to come down.

Life without walkies

But you can’t just stop walking your dog and leave it at that. The morning walk had to be replaced with some other activity. For us it was clicker training and to say it was a life-saver is not an exaggeration.  We scheduled short five-minute sessions several times a day, individually for each dog. It enabled us to get to know each one of them far better, learn their strengths and weaknesses, what motivated them and what bored them.

In no time at all, they weren’t rushing to the front door at 5 am, barking and waking the whole neighbourhood. They were more relaxed. When it came to training sessions, we did various different things with each of them. We had a lot of glass doors and when one was doing their training session, the others would watch.

Dogs Dancing

Molly (left) does the tango with Fin

Molly, who was a timid girl, learned to dance and her confidence grew. Fin, who was our newest rescue, learned some manners and how to behave around ladies!

Dog Skateboarding

Amy on her skateboard

Amy who was frankly a bit of a thug diverted her attention to skateboarding.


Amy (left) and Sophie at the top of the stairs

Sophie was a master of the KONG. She would empty it of every last crumb by taking it to the top of the stairs and dropping it down.

Jolly Ball

Blitz with his beloved Jolly Ball

Blitz, our first rescue boy who was a real gentleman, loved the Jolly Ball and would spend ages playing with it on his own. Both him and Fin mastered the peek-a-boo trick (see our What Makes You Click Training Cards for this trick) and many others.

Did it work?

So, what was the result of our three-month curfew? We had calmer, better-behaved dogs that we knew as individuals. They could entertain us and show off their tricks which they really enjoyed. Who doesn’t enjoy praise for a job done well? It was time well spent and we were able to gradually reintroduce them to the outside world.

What you can do right now

Why not give clicker training a try? We have Clicker Training Cards, that come complete with clicker and treats, or download our What Makes You Click? cards absolutely free and get started right away.

Clicker Cue Cards

What Makes You Click Training Cards

You will need lots of tasty Training Treats which we have in abundance, or why not make your own. Most people have a tin of tuna, flour and eggs in the house. This recipe will get you up and running in no time: Tillies Tuna Cake Recipe.

Tuna Dog Treats

Tillies Tuna Cake Recipe

Snuffle Mats are becoming an increasingly popular game for dogs and cats. If you fancy a challenge how about making your own Snuffle Mat to keep them entertained when you’re flagging. An old doormat and some t-shirts should suffice to complete this excellent tutorial from the Dogs Trust.

Make your own Snuffle Mat

Make your own Snuffle Mat

Learn to love the curfew

Your dogs may not be badly-behaved and in need of a curfew, but it has been forced on us all and we have an opportunity to really make the best of it by embracing it and spending quality time with our furry friends. You never know, both dog and owner could learn something new.

Pumpkin and Carob Dog Biscuits

Pumpkin and your Pets

Pumpkin Dog Biscuits

Last month Daisy was unwell. She had an upset stomach which resulted in bouts of diarrhoea. That is bad enough when you have a dog with four working legs, but for a dog that cannot walk unaided, it is deeply unpleasant. The vet advised a bland chicken and rice diet, which we had already begun, but he also prescribed some paste which did the trick and she was soon back to normal. We were relieved, but of course, the bill followed! Now, we don’t begrudge paying for her treatment, but it got us thinking about natural alternatives. In the distant past, we had given our dogs pumpkin when they were unwell, so since it is now pumpkin season, we thought we would revisit the idea.

Why is pumpkin good for dogs?

Pumpkin provides a natural source of many beneficial vitamins and nutrients:

  • Potassium – an electrolyte essential for muscular contraction and recovery from activity
  • Vitamin C – one cup of pumpkin contains at least 11mg of vitamin C. Vitamin C is vital for its antioxidant and immune system supporting effects
  • Beta-Carotene – beneficial for preventing cancer. The bright orange colour is an indication of how rich it is in beta-carotene
  • Alpha-Carotene
  • Fibre
  • Zinc – will help improve skin and coat
  • Iron
  • Vitamin A – which is important for your dog’s vision

One of the most common uses of pumpkin is for dogs suffering from diarrhoea. The natural fibre content of the pumpkin helps to slow down digestion by adding bulk to the dog’s stool. Experts recommend adding pumpkin to your dog’s normal dog food and this has widely been reported to act quickly to settle their stomach. We used to keep small bags of frozen pumpkin in our freezer for just that purpose.

Interestingly enough, while pumpkin is a great remedy for diarrhoea, it is equally effective at easing constipation. Naturally increasing the amount of soluble fibre in your dog’s diet will also help move things along in a comfortable way. Pumpkin is gentle, unlike some conventional drugs designed to relieve constipation. Once again, pumpkin can be added to your dog’s normal food in small quantities whilst ensuring that they have plenty of fresh water. Dehydration can have a direct link to constipation and will certainly make a pre-existing condition even worse.

Since we are in pumpkin season, it’s also an excellent opportunity to make some pumpkin treats for your dog, so we have a couple of recipes for you that are as easy as pie! These make great Jackpot treats so you can incorporate them into your training.

Pumpkin and Peanut Butter Bones

Always check your ingredients for Xylitol before using.


  • 1 cup pumpkin
  • 1/2 cup peanut butter
  • 2 eggs
  • 1/4 cup oil
  • 2 1/2 cups whole wheat flour
  • 1 teaspoon baking soda

or Ingredients for grain-free

  • 1 cup pumpkin puree
  • 1/2 cup organic peanut butter
  • 3 eggs
  • 1/2 cup coconut oil melted then slightly cooled
  • 1 1/2 cups coconut flour


  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
  2. Combine all ingredients in a large mixing bowl.
  3. Stir until a stiff dough forms.
  4. Roll out dough to approx 1/4 – 1/2 inch thick.
  5. Use a cookie cutter to cut out dog bone shapes, or just bake into little circles like cookies.
  6. Bake for 13-15 minutes. Treats should have a slightly golden colour around the edges.
  7. Cool on a wire rack.
  8. Can be stored in airtight containers for up to three weeks.

Carob Icing For Pumpkin Bones

Pumpkin and Carob Dog Biscuits

Unlike chocolate, carob is safe for dogs. You can buy it in various forms such as bars, chips or powder and it will turn your treats into something a bit special. Melting carob can be a little tricky – it doesn’t melt as easily as chocolate. The easiest way to melt carob chips is with a little coconut oil in a double boiler on the cooker.

  1. Fill a saucepan a 1/3 full with water and bring to a boil.
  2. Once the water reaches a rolling boil, turn it down to a simmer.
  3. Place a heatproof bowl on top of a saucepan. It should fit tightly on top of the saucepan and shouldn’t touch the water. Make sure no steam gets into the bowl or it will ruin your melt.
  4. Put 1/2 cup carob chips and 1 tablespoon coconut oil into the bowl. After a couple of minutes start to stir them around. Continue stirring until mixture reaches a smooth consistency and has no more lumps.
  5. Dip biscuits into the melted carob immediately.

Make the carob icing when you’re ready to use it because you can’t successfully melt carob a second time. Store iced treats in an airtight container in the refrigerator or freezer!

Remember, once Halloween is over, pumpkins will be cheaper than ever. Why not buy a batch, chop, roast, puree and freeze for use throughout the year or alternatively check out these other super pumpkin recipes.

Cats can benefit from pumpkin too

Is Pumpkin good for Cats?

One of the key nutritional qualities of pumpkin is that it is rich in fibre (the material from plants that cannot be broken down by enzymes in the body).  Fibre can beneficial to cats in the following ways:

  • Weight control, fibre promotes a feeling of fullness, even if fewer calories are being taken in.
  • Treatment of diarrhoea. Pumpkin contains soluble fibre, and this can absorb excess water in the digestive tract, reducing or relieving diarrhoea.
  • Constipation. Conversely, a pumpkin’s high fibre content can act as a laxative. The combination of fibre and moisture can be of great benefit in creating bulk that stimulates bowel movements.
  • Hairballs in cats can be relieved by pumpkin through the same mechanism as it relieves constipation.

Fresh roasted pumpkin seeds, without any salts or spices, can be fed to cats. They have been rumoured to help with worm infestations. Although we don’t see as much of it in the UK, you can buy canned pumpkin without additives, spices or sugar which is also perfect for your feline friend. And lastly, you can feed fresh pumpkin that has been baked until soft.

It is advisable to start with very small amounts of pumpkin if you are planning to add it to your cat’s diet and, of course, for expert advice, speak to your vet first, especially if your cat is unwell.

If this has piqued your interest in the humble pumpkin as a superfood, then you can read more about the subject in Did you Know your Pet can Eat Pumpkin?